Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to Look Taller

Want to look taller? Here's a few tips to elongate your appearance:

Lengthen your upper torso.

Wear a v-neck shirt, blouse or sweater.
Wear a vest with a long v-neck.
Create a long v-neck by buttoning the lower buttons of a cardigan.
Wear a v-neck camisole with a long open blouse.
Wear long sleeves or sleeveless styles to lengthen your arms.
Wear interesting buttons and slim ties.

Lengthen your legs.
Wear a knee-length skirt with similar-colored hose and shoes.
Wear a long skirt with heels. Try a pencil skirt.
Wear straight or skinny leg jeans with slim hips.
Wear high-waisted pants to elongate your legs.
Wear pants with vertical stripes or vertical visible seams.
Wear cuffless pants.
Wear boots with a heel or shoes with a thick sole.
Wear pants that cover the heel of your shoe.

Lengthen your entire body.
Wear dark colors.
Wear a monochromatic outfit. Wear a brown top with brown pants and a thin brown belt.
Wear a dark pin-stripe suit.
Wear a long dress with a plain or small print.
Wear a long coat.
Wear a tailored fit with princess seams and darts. A loose fit may widen your appearance.
Avoid waisted skirts and pants that create a division between your upper and lower body.

Try a ponytail or short haircut, without bangs, to lengthen your face and neck.
Wear a tall hat.
Straighten your posture while sitting or standing.
Lose weight. Staying slim creates a tall appearance.

Recommended height booster :



Include all of the following substances in your meals. They're essential for helping your body grow to its maximum natural potential.
Vitamins- vitamins are organic substances necessary for life and essential for growth. To receive the proper vitamin intake, a well-balanced diet is recommended. However, supplements may be taken where needed but not as a substitute for food. Supplements should be taken after each square meal, or once after the largest meal for proper absorption.

Vitamin A (retinol, carotene) - it promotes growth and strong bones, aids in keeping skin, hair, teeth and gums healthy, and helps build resistance to infections. Carrots, liver, egg yolk, milk, green and yellow vegetables, margarine, and yellow fruits are the best sources of vitamin A. The recommended supplement is 10,000 to 25,000 IU. However, if your diet includes ample amounts of spinach, liver, sweet potatoes, or cantaloupe, it is not likely you'll need a supplement.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - it promotes growth, aids in prevention of beriberi and nervous disorders, aids digestion and helps heart and nervous system function properly. The bet sources for it are pork, rice, whole wheat, dried yeast, peanuts, soybeans, peas and green vegetables. Supplements of 100 to 300 mg are most common. More effective when used in B complex formulas.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - it promotes growth, aids in reproduction, promotes healthy skin, hair and nails, and helps maintain good eyesight. You can find it in milk, liver, eggs, fish, kidney, yeast, leafy green vegetables. The recommended supplement is 100 to 300 mg per day.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridadne, Pyridixinal) - it reduces night muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness and certain forms of neuritis, properly assimilates protein and fat, and works as a natural diuretic. It can be found in liver, brewers yeast, cabbage, black strap molasses, cantaloupe, beef and kidney. For best results, take supplements in equal amounts with vitamins B1 and B2. If taking a B complex formula, be sure it contains enough B6 to be effective.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalarnin) - it promotes growth, increases your energy level, forms and generates red blood cells, and helps balance and concentration. You can find it in cheese, liver, kidney, pork and beef. The recommended supplement dosage varies from 5 to 100 mcg., depending on deficiency.

Note: Common deficiencies are noted in vegetarians and high protein consumers. Vitamin B complex formula should include all the B complex vitamins so far discussed plus other important vitamins vital to the growth process. Be sure to read labels and check with your pharmacist to make sure your formula includes the proper amounts of each vitamin best suited to your needs.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamin Acid) - it aids in healthy bones and teeth, prevents scurvy, helps treat and prevent common colds, enables protein cells to hold together, and aids blood vessel circulation. Plays a primary role in the growth and repair of body tissue cells. It can be found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, cauliflower, raw cabbage and potatoes. The recommended dosage of supplement varies from 1,000 to 10,000 mg. per day.

Vitamin D (Calciferal, Viosterol, Ergosterol) - it is essential for strong bones and teeth, prevents rickets, which deteriorates bones and could cause bowed legs, knock knees and poor posture, aids treatment of conjunctivitis, and aids vitamin A. The best sources for it are milk products, fish liver oil, fish meats and sunlight. A good dosage of supplement is 400 to 1000 IU per day.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) - it supplies oxygen to the body for more endurance, and helps prevent and destroy blood clots. It can be found in wheat germ, eggs, leafy greens, soy beans, spinach, whole wheat, and broccoli. A supplement of 200 to 1,000 IU per day is recommended. Due to chlorinated drinking water, in a large percentage of the population, vitamin E may be in great demand.

Vitamin F (Unsaturated Fatty Acids Linoleic and Arachidonic) - it aids in growth, helps prevent heart disease and cholesterol deposits in arteries. Vegetable oils, walnuts, pecans, and almonds, soybeans, linseed and sunflower oils are the best sources of vitamin F. A supplement of 100 to 150 mg is recommended. For best absorption take with vitamin E. If you consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, you will probably need more vitamin F.

Vitamin K (Menadione) - it aids in proper blood clotting and helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhaging. It can be found in egg yolk, yogurt, fish liver oils, soybean, green vegetables and kelp. A supplement of approximately 300 mcg. is adequate. Due to an abundance of natural vitamin K, supplementation is not usually necessary. See a doctor before taking a supplement.
Note: Proper amounts of vitamins will differ depending on individual characteristics and diet. Certain dosages may not be suitable for all individuals and could be detrimental to your health. Please seek advice of a physician when supplementing with vitamins. All vitamins in this chapter will not be needed however,they are noted because of their ability to work well in a totally balanced diet.

Minerals- minerals are inorganic substance found naturally in the earth. They make up a large part of our bones and teeth and help regulating other body functions. Here are some of the. minerals to which you should pay special attention.

Calcium - it aids for strengthening soft bones and teeth, and helps maintain regular heartbeat. Milk and dairy products, sardines, soybeans, dried beans, and green vegetables contain large amounts of calcium. A supplement of 600 to 1500 mg per day is recommended.
Chromium - it aids in growth process, and helps prevent and lower high blood pressure. The best sources for it are meat, brewer's yeast, clams, chicken, shellfish. A supplement of 90 mcg. per day is average for adults.

Chlorine - it helps keep your body limber, and aids digestion by cleansing system. It can be found in table salt, kelp, and olives. A recommended supplement dosage has not been determined. However, an average daily salt intake should be more than sufficient.
Fluoride - it strengthens bones and reduces tooth decay. It is found in fluoridated drinking water, seafoods and gelatin. A necessary amount of supplement has yet to be determined, but most people get sufficient amounts from fluoridated drinking water. Available by prescription in areas without fluoridated drinking water. Additional fluoride should not be taken unless advised by a physician.

Iodide - it promotes growth, provides energy and burns excess fat. The best sources for iodide are kelp, salt, all seafood, onions, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil. A good amount of supplement is 80 to 150 mcg. per day for adults. Iodine aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which fosters and regulates growth. Check your salt to see if it is iodized along with your vitamins or multi?mineral preparations. Too much iodine can cause a harmful effect. For additional supplements of iodine not discussed, a physician's advice is recommended.
Iron - it aids growth, prevents fatigue, helps form hemoglobin in blood, and aids for good skin tone. You can find it in liver, beef kidney, egg yolk, oysters, cereals, raw clams, and red meat. A supplement of 10 to 18 mg per day is sufficient. Check your iron supplement to see if it contains "Ferrous Sulfate" an inorganic iron which can destroy vitamin E in your system. Try to avoid this preparation. For women, whose bodies use much more iron than men's, a supplement is most likely needed.

Magnesium - it aids the cardiovascular system, aids nerve and muscle functions, and is needed for calcium and vitamin C metabolism. It is found in figs, apples, grapefruits, lemons, seeds, nuts, yellow corn and dark green vegetables. A necessary amount of supplement is 300 to 400 mg. daily. If you live in area with hard drinking water, or consume large amounts of nuts, seeds and green vegetables, you're probably getting sufficient amounts of magnesium.
Phosphorus - it aids growth and provides energy. The best sources for it are fish, poultry, eggs, meats, nuts, seeds and whole grains. As for supplements, RDA is 800 to 1200 mg per day for adults. Most diets already include adequate amounts of phosphorus or "phosphates" in them, so check before taking a supplement.

Other important minerals are:
Potassium - Sources include: citrus fruits, watercress, bananas, potatoes and green vegetables.
Sodium - Sources include: salt, shellfish, carrots, beets, bacon and kidney.
Sulfur - Sources include: lean beef, fish eggs, cabbage and dried beans.
Zinc - Sources include: steak, eggs, lamb chops, brewer's yeast and pumpkin seeds.
Proteins- everyone's protein requirements are different, depending upon your size, age and physical condition. A large, young person will require more protein than a small, older person. Proteins have different functions, and work in different areas of the body. There are basically two types of protein: complete and incomplete protein.

Complete Protein: provides the proper balance of eight necessary amino acids that build tissues, and are found in foods of animal organ such as meats, poultry, seafoods, eggs, milk and cheese.
Incomplete Protein: lacks certain essential amino acids and is not used efficiently when eaten alone. However, when it is combined with small amounts of animal?source proteins, it becomes complete. It is found in seeds, nuts, peas, grains and beans. Mixing complete and incomplete proteins can give you better nutritional value than either one alone.

Water- water is the basic solvent for all the products of digestion. It is essential for removing waste from our bodies and 6 to 8 glasses daily is considered healthy.

Eat a steady amount of food. That's why dieting is not recommended as long as you're still growing. Not eating a good quantity of food will deprive your body of the substances detailed above, therefore stunting your growth. If you want to lose weight, decrease the amount of fats, sugar and carbohydrates from your alimentation, but eat the rest of foods in good, moderate amounts. Also try losing weight through sports. After all, you can still lose weight later, but you must make the most out of your adolescence if you want to grow taller.

Schedule your meals. 4-5 hours is the time needed for insulin to disappear from your bloodstream so that growth hormone can work on building your tissue. This is the period of time that you should wait between meals. Proteins, which are absorbed slowly, should keep you from becoming hungry. Your last meal should be 3-4 hours before you go to sleep. Small amounts of protein shake are allowed right before your bedtime.

Tickle Massage.
This works best if somebody else does it for you: Massage your knee for 5-10 minutes. This should be very ticklish to some others. Massaging your knees with your hands allows your knees to release growth chemicals that helps you grow your bones.

Stretch. Stretching is the most effective form of exercising when it comes to height increase. Doing intense stretching exercises can add a few extra inches to your height, even short after your growth has stopped. For best results, you should do these exercises two times a day, after you wake up and before you go to bed. Start with easy exercises, then gradually move on to more difficult ones. Here is a list of stretching exercises, divided in three categories, from the easiest to the most difficult:

Preliminary exercises - These exercises will play the role of a warm-up, in order to prepare the body for the more difficult ones. These preliminary exercises require very little effort and should not result in tiredness or fatigue. You will also notice that the side benefits include good posture development, straightening of the spine, and stretching the body. All of these will contribute to height increase. It is recommended that you continue these exercises during the complete time you are performing the other exercises in the following chapters. Perform all of the exercises twice a day, for 7 days, before you start the regular exercises. You should be able to complete all of the preliminary exercises within 15 minutes.

Before getting out of bed each morning (and before going to sleep each evening), stretch your arms and legs to their limit. Point your toes towards the foot of the bed, point your outstretched arms towards the head of the bed, and stretch your body to its limits. Twist and turn your body in every possible direction, stretching every joint and muscle in your body simultaneously.
Still in bed, lying flat on your back, place your hands on your hips and lift your legs and lower torso into the air so that your weight is resting on your elbows and upper back. In this position, with your feet straight up, rotate your legs in the same manner as if you were riding a bicycle. Continue the pedalling motion for 60 seconds.

In the sitting position, while still in bed, allow your head to droop forward with your chin as close to your chest as possible. Rotate your head to the left, then backward, to the right, and then forward. Repeat this circular rotation of the head several times, and then rotate the head in the opposite direction several times. Extend the head as far to the left and right, and as close to the chest and back as possible. Loosen up those neck joints!

In the standing position, arms stretched out horizontally away from the body, rotate the arms in a circle approximately 2 feet in diameter. Keep the arms extended to the side, and do not bend the elbows. Rotate the arms from the shoulder joints. After several rotations, rotate the arms in the opposite direction several more times. Extend the arms as far backwards as possible during each rotation.

Stand away from all walls or other objects with your feet about 18 inches apart. Allow your head to fall loosely backwards as far as it will go without straining your neck. Raise both arms sideways, away from the body, and stretch them outward as far as they will go. Hold them there, level with your shoulders. Start the exercise by swinging your torso all the way to the left, and then all the way to the right. Keep your arms stiff and straight. Keep performing this swinging movement, to the left, to the right, then left, then right, left, right. Do it naturally and smoothly. During the motion, extend your arms as far outward as you can, and twist the body as far as you can in each direction. Repeat this exercise for 60 seconds, and then clasp your hands behind your neck, and perform the same swinging movements, left, and right, for another 60 seconds.
In the standing position, facing a wall, with your stomach and toes touching the wall, raise your left hand and reach as high up on the wall as you possibly can. Do not lift your heels. Let your fingers touch the wall as high as possible, and try to move your fingers up the wall a little further. When you have reached as far as possible, hold that position for several seconds, and slowly lower your arm to your side. Repeat the same procedure with each hand, a total of 3 times. Turn your left side to the wall, and perform the exercise with your left hand, 3 times. Turn your right side to the wall, and perform the exercise with your right hand, 3 times. Turn your back to the wall, clasp your hands together, behind your head, and raise both hands as high up on the wall as possible, without unclasping your hands, and without lifting your heels. Perform this 3 times.

Regular exercises - These exercises are designed to not only help in the continued straightening of the spine but, also in stretching the body and strength of the muscles involved. This is how you're going to accomplish your ultimate goal of more height. You will continue to perform the preliminary exercises every day in addition to the regular exercises. To avoid over exerting yourself, we advise doing only 5 out of the 15 regular exercises each day and rotating them each day. For example you would perform the first 5 on the first day, the second 5 on the second day, and the last 5 on the third day. Repeat this cycle 6 more times, for a total period of 21 days doing both preliminary and regular Exercises.

Stand erect behind a chair, feet together with hands gripping the back of the chair. Your feet should be about 12 inches away from the chair. Lift your left leg back and up as far as possible, maintaining your grip on the chair for support. Bring your leg down, and repeat the same procedure with your right leg. Perform the leg lifts slowly and stretch them out as far as possible. Repeat the leg lifts 10 times for each leg.

Lie flat on your back on a firm surface. Lift your left leg up, bending it at the knee, and touch your chin to your knee. Grasp your leg with both hands below the knee, and pull your knee to your neck. You may lift your head off the floor, towards your knee, but do not lift; your shoulders off the floor. When your knee touches your neck, hold that position for a few seconds, and then return to the original starting position. Perform the exercise with the other knee. Alternating legs, repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg. When bringing knee into chest remember to inhale so lungs are filled with oxygen. Holding that position, then exhale while returning to starting position.

Stand erect, knees and heels together with arms relaxed at your sides. Raise your arms outward and up until they meet at the highest point over your head with the knuckles of each hand facing and touching each other. As you raise your arms, lift your heels so that all your weight is on your toes. Stretch your arms and body up as far as you can. As the arms are raised, inhale and fill your lungs to full capacity. Lower your arms in the same course as you raised them, exhale slowly, and lower your heels until they touch the ground. Repeat this exercise for 1 minute the first time, 2 minutes the second time, and 3 minutes every time thereafter.

Lie down on your stomach with your hands behind your back, clasp your hands together and interlock your fingers. Arch your body so that your head, shoulders and legs are raised off the ground and maintain this position. Rock your body forward and then backward several times, and then relax. Repeat this exercise 5 times. While still on your stomach, stretch both arms out in front of you and rest them on the floor. Commence raising and stretching your legs upwards, alternating legs, without bending your knees. Do this 5 times with each leg. As in all exercises, if at any time you become very tired, stop and rest before continuing.

Stand erect with your arms high over your head and your thumbs interlocked. Stretch your body upwards vigorously without lifting your heels, and then bend far to the right. Return to the position with your arms over your head and bend far to the left. Repeat this movement to the right and to the left alternately for 10 times. Rest 1 minute, and repeat it another 10 times. Do it slowly, but keep stretching your arms and torso all during the exercise.

Lie flat on your back with your hands below your buttocks. Raise both legs off the ground, straight up. Bend your knees and lower your toes so that they touch the floor. Lift your hips off the floor, supporting your body with your hands on the floor. Arch your body so that your weight lies only on your shoulders and your toes. Lower your hips so they rest on your hands, lift your toes, straighten your legs, and lower them to the floor so that you are in the starting position. Repeat this procedure 10 times, each time trying to arch your body as much as possible when you touch the floor with your toes.

Seated in a large arm chair, stretch your feet straight out and stiffen your body so that the only points of contact between your body and the chair are at the top of the chair and at the front of the seat. Your buttocks should be resting on the front of the seat. Lean slightly forward, and at the same time bring your knees up to your chest. Use your arms to help bring your knees closer to your chest by wrapping your arms around your bent legs and pulling them towards you. Breathe normally during this exercise. Release your legs and return to the original position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

In the standing position, feet about 18 inches apart, place your palms on the back of your thighs. Without bending your knees, slide both hands down the sides of your legs as far as you can reach. You will have to bend forward to perform this exercise, but be sure to maintain contact between your palms and your legs. The further you reach down, the more excessive the strain on the back of your knees. Do not bend them. Vary this exercise by placing your hands on your buttocks and moving them down the back of your legs, bending your body backwards to enable you to perform this movement. Perform each of these exercises, slowly, 5 times.
Stand erect with your back to the wall, feet flat on the floor. Your feet should be about 24 inches away from the wall on the first time you perform this exercise. On following days, you will increase your distance from the wall 3 additional inches each time. Stretch the arms forward, upward, and then backwards over your head until your fingers touch the wall behind you. Do not allow your body to touch the wall. If you find it very easy to touch the wall, move a few more inches away from the wall. You should have to stretch your body to enable you to touch the wall. After your fingers achieve contact with the wall, return to the original positions by bringing the arms back over the head and then down. Repeat this exercise 7 times. Keep a careful record of the distance from the wall the last time you performed this exercise so you can increase this distance by three inches each different day you perform it.

In the standing position, place your left leg far out in front of your right leg, and distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Without lifting your right leg, shift your weight forward to your left leg, bending the left knee and placing your left hand on your left knee to maintain your balance. Lean forward as far as you can, placing most, of your weight on your left foot. You may lift your right heel, but do not allow your right toes to lift off the floor. Stretch your body forward as far as possible, hold this position for 3 seconds, and return to the starting position. Switch positions of your legs, and perform the exercise by shifting your weight forward to your right leg, and maintain balance with your right hand. Perform the exercise 5 times in each position.
In the standing position, feet slightly apart, hands on hips, body straight and erect, head up. Slowly bend the knees while keeping the rest of your body straight and erect, and come to a squatting position with the knees straight ahead (not spread apart). As you slowly bend your knees, extend your arms straight ahead, stretching the arms and fingers to their fullest extent. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly returning to the original position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front. Place your feet under an article of furniture (chair, table, or sofa) to keep them from moving during the exercise. Interlock your fingers behind your neck, and start the exercise. Slowly revolve your trunk in a large circle, bringing your upper torso forward, to the right, backward and to the left, as far as possible. Rotate your body in as wide a circle as possible, and then reverse directions. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, repeat 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, etc., for a period of six 30 second units.

In the standing position, with your legs spread widely apart, raise both hands straight overhead and overlap your hands. Bend over forward and touch the floor between your legs, then return to the original position. Perform this exercise 10 times. You will notice that the wider your legs are spread apart, the easier it will be to touch the floor. As you progress in this and the other exercises, you should bring your feet closer together so that it will be more difficult to touch the floor with your fingers. If you can touch the floor with your feet close together, you should then strive to touch the floor with your palms.

In the prone position, lying flat on your back with your arms by your side, raise your arms and bring them straight back over your head until they are stretched out on the floor, pointing away from your head. Resting all of your weight on your outstretched arms, your shoulders, and on your heels, slowly raises the back, hips, torso, and upper legs off the floor. Stretch your body up as high as you can. Hold that position for a few seconds, and return to the original position. Perform this exercise 5 times.

In the standing position, feet spread slightly apart, hands behind the neck with your fingers interlocked. Bend the body forward from the waist, without bending the knees, and try to bring your head down between your legs. Of course, it will be impossible to bring your head all the way down, but stretch your body as far as possible without straining yourself. Do not remove your hands from behind your head. Use your hands to help push your head down further. When you have reached as far down as possible, return to the starting position. You will perform this exercise with more ease after one or two weeks. Perform this exercise 5 times.
Advanced exercises

Raise your seat while cycling.
Play sports like basketball or volleyball, which involve jumping a lot.
Hang off a bar while wearing ankle weights.
Jump rope.

Perform kicks. Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone. Ever noticed how kick-boxers have longer than average legs? It's the same principle as far as baseball pitchers too. Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5 cm) longer than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress. There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program. Perform 3 sets of both kicks each day. Shoes are optional.

Front Snap Kick - the first kick is the basic front snap kick. It's very simple. Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for balance. Raise your knee until the thigh is perpendicular to the floor. While doing this, the ankle should be flexed downwards and your toe should be pointed towards the floor. Next, quickly snap your foot outward with your toe pointing outward. Once that is done, quickly return your toe to its previous downward pointing position and lower the foot onto the ground. That is one repetition. The kick will be quick. It doesn't matter how high off the ground you kick - our focus here is simply on executing the quick snapping motion of the lower leg. Each kick will last approximately than 1 second. Perform 20 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. That is 1 set. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the process again for a total of 3 sets.
Straight Leg Kick - the second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to explain this is to pretend that you are punting a ball. Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for balance. Unlike the snap kick, you will NOT bend your knees while performing this kick. Keeping your leg straight, raise your leg quickly as if you were punting an imaginary ball. Raise your leg as high as possible with your toe pointing outward and upward. I find it helpful to imagine that there is a target in front of me at about eye level that I am trying to kick with my foot. Quickly lower your leg to starting position and place your foot on the floor. That is one repetition. Once again, the kick will be quick. Your goal is to keep your leg perfectly straight and kick as high as possible. Each kick will last approximately 1.5 seconds. Perform 10 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the process again for a total of 3 sets.

Sleep 8 to 10 hours a day. Most of your growing takes place while sleeping, because that's when most HGH is released. Not getting enough hours of sleep will stunt your growth.
Keep your body as straight as possible while sleeping. your spine must be as straight as possible. Lie on you back with your arms and legs stretched toward the foot of the bed. Do not exert any effort or pressure to stretch your limbs. Allow your body to be completely relaxed. You may let your head turn to the right or left and bend your arms if it is more comfortable to you. The important thing is to keep your body (torso and legs) as straight as possible. This position may prove to be uncomfortable for the first few nights, but your body will soon become accustomed to this manner of sleeping and before long you will discover not only extra inches but, also a. more comfortable sleep.

Kick the 'pillow habit'. This is a very common mistake made by most of us because we are led to believe that a pillow allows for a more comfortable night's sleep so, through habit, we become attached and generally accept this as the most comfortable way to sleep. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The use of a pillow is an incorrect form of sleeping and should be avoided. While lying on your back with your head resting on a pillow, your neck is bent forward in a very unnatural position. In this position, your head is being pushed forward and your back is arched, also a very unnatural position. If you suffer from frequent neck or back pains, in the majority of cases you can probably blame it on your pillow or mattress.

Make sure your mattress is firm and capable of giving your body full support. This is to aid in keeping your spine as straight as possible while sleeping. A soft or sagging mattress will tend to bend the spine and curve the torso in a sinking effect, which must be avoided. A good mattress will support the whole body, which will keep it in a straight posture setting - a must for obtaining greater height.

Correct your posture. Many people rob themselves of extra height because they fail to realize that a good posture is essential for maximum height increase. Correct posture involves more than just standing straight and erect. You must train each part of your body to maintain its proper position. You must learn how to hold your head, your pelvis, your legs, sit correctly, walk correctly, plus numerous other do's and don'ts to assure you of achieving every possible inch of height.

You're taller in the morning than in the evening by up to a full inch. This is due to decompression of spine discs, after you lay in horizontal position for many hours (like when you sleep). After standing up for a few hours, you will lose that height. So, when measuring yourself, it's recommended to count your evening height as your 'official' height, because measuring in the morning can be deceiving. Also, try to measure yourself at the same time of the day.
Also recommended as preliminary exercises are physical recreation activities such as walking, jogging, tennis, swimming, bicycling, handball, baseball, soccer and any type of activity involving muscle exertion. Your body is a machine, and if you do not use it regularly, the working parts will become "rusty" and inoperable. To look your best, to feel your best, and to be able to do your best, you must exercise regularly. That is man's nature, and modern technology can't change it.

Supplement option : We suggest super-growth for the best grow taller product.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kadd barhanay ka sabse Taqatwar Tareeka!

Tasawwur kijiye, ke aap apni zindagi pe khud raaj karsaken, aur apne kadd pe bhi. Kitna acha ho agar aap ayene main khud ko dekhen aur ek lamba aur khoobsurat apna aap nazar aye. Rukiye, aur sochiye ke apke dost aur pyaron ka aapko dekh ke kya rad-e-amal hoga jab aap ek kamre main dakhil honge. Hamaray itminan shuda khareedaron ko ab sochna nahin parta, Super-growth ki madad se yeh apni zindagi ko qaboo kar chukay hain aur apne kadd ko barha chukay hain.Parhiye unki kahani , aur dekhiye kaise Super-Growth ne inki zindagi badaldi aur unko woh insan banaya jo woh hamesha banna chahtey the.


Faedey mand asraat:
Kadd barhana
Tawanaai barhana
For weight loss, to promote the burning of fat and to build lean body muscle. Wazan kam karna, charbi ko pighlanay main madad karna aur jism ko duble muscles dena.

Qudrati barhne ko behtar banana.
Duniya bhar main, khilari, models basketball ke khilari, pehalwan aur bohut se aam loug Super-Growth khareed chukay hain takay unka kaddh aur jism tawana ho. Super-Growth aapki qudrati ugne ki takat ko barhaye ga HGH ke levels ko dobara tarraki karne ki tawanayi deke. Yeh apke jism ko bohut jald he lamba hojanay ki taakat dega.

Bohut se loug apne kadd ko lamba issliye nahin kar patay kyunke unke paas koi tibbi tareeka nahin hota jiske peechey science ka koi hath ho. Growth Hormone woh sabse ehem rakun hai jo apki hadiyon ko barhne ki takat deta hai, kyunke yeh ek he hormone hai jo barhney main madad karta hai. Super Growth aapko barhnay main aur jismani tawanai hasil karne main madad kare ga.

Super-Growth Height Booster ek mehfooz, kamiyab, asan aur sasta inquilaabi tareeka hai apne kadd ko barhaney ka, jo bohut aala sciency taleemat se guzar chuka hai aur saboot ke sath sabit ho chuka hai
Is main::
Koi warzish, koi surgery, koi injection aur koi dardnaak khechne tannay ki warzishain aur jooton ke pataway nahin hotey.

Super-Growth Inc. Apko mehfooz aur sabse naye tareekey se apki haddiyon ko barhne main madad karta hai. Apke andar ki barhney ki takat ko dobara peda karta hai aur apko qudrati barhne main madad karta hai. Pehle he mahinay main aap dekhen ke apke kadd aur haddiyon mein behtari nazar arahi hai.

Parhiye hamare mutmayeen khareedaron ka kya kehna hai

Kya kadd barhana ya lamba hojana mumkin hai?

Ji haan, kadd barhana mumkin hai. Agar aap apna kadd barhana chahtey hain, agar aap apne kam kadd ki waja se pareshan hain aur ehsas-e-kamtari ka shikar hain, tho ab aapke kadd ko barhanay ka upaye aagaya hai.

Kya aap jantey the: Ap apne kadd ko badal saktey hain, chahe jinsi taleem aur koi kuch kahe.

S.G Inc. Ne duniya ka sabse pehli kaam karne wala kadd barhaney ki dawa ijaad ki hai
"Super-Growth height enhancer sabse awwal aur kamiyab supplement hai jo ke aapke kadd ko qudrati torr pe barhata hai aur apke andar ke qudrati system ko dobara iss kabil banata hai ke kadd ruk janay ke baad bhi dobara isay barha sakey.

Super-Growth apki qudrati barhne ko dobara zinda kare ga aur apke HGH ki mikdaar ko barha ke,apki haddiyan, jorr aur passliyan main lamba honay ki taakat dalay ga. Yeh aapke jism ko aur aapke kadd ko zahiri torr pe lamba kare ga aur aapki jismani taakat ko barhaye ga. Pehle he mahinay se aap apne kadd aur haddiyon main behtari dekhen ge.

Hamara Maqsad:
Hum apne khareedaron ko behtareen quality ki cheezain farokht karte hain
Hum iss baat ka yakeen dilatey hain ke hamaree dawa main istimal shuda cheezain bilkul waise he hon jaisee batayi jarahi hain.
Hum bharosey mand tareeke se kaam kartey hain.
Hamaray khareedar khas tawajjo aur dehan patay hain, apnee makhsoos zarooriyat ke hisab se.
Hum muft main apko tajarba kaar mumba ke mashwaray pohunchate hain.
Hum apni zahanat se aisee formulay peda kartey hain jo aapko aur kahin na milein ge.
Hum tafseeli taur pe inn dawaon ki malumati ajzaa banatey hain, jinmein inke uppar jari ki howi taftish shamil hoti hai.

S-G Inc. Behtari pe mubni hai. Hum apne khareedari ke sath milke duniya ka sabse kamiyab , naya, aur sehat se bharay formule ko aapse milwana chahtey hain. Hum apne iss kaam mein itney kamiyab hain ke hamari company pichle 3 saalon main he 600% barh chuki hai. SG. Inc apni yeh mehnat apne clients ke liye nazar karte rahen ge aur apni iss ijad ko jari rakhen ge.

Aj ki duniya main kamiyab honay ke liye insan ko kamiyab ashya ki zaroorat hai jissey woh istimal karne walay ki zindagi main ek sacha badlao la sakey. Isska sirf yeh matlab nahin ke apnee ashya ki kefiyat ko he sacha rakhen, balke uske sath he iss baat ka khayal rakha jaye ke yeh sahi miqdaar main aur sahi nishaanay pe kaam karen aur apni manzil ko hasil karne main madad karen.

Hamara mila jula tajarba aur asal tareekay se test karne ka tareeka iss baat ko pakka kardeta hai ke hamari banayi howi ashya waqai apna maqsad poora karti hai. Hum samajhte hain ke aapko sahi tarhan kaam karne wali dawa pohunchana kitna zaroori hai aur iss tarhan aapko mutmaeen karne se hamarey khareedar iss dawa ko baar baar istimal karna chahtey hain, woh bhi aaj ki muqablay baaz duniya main.

SG Inc.
Humne bohut arse se aur bohut mehnat se dhoond ke ek qudrati tareeka nikala hai, jo na sirf aapko kadd barhanay main madad karega balke yeh ek bohut he umda aur professional shay hai.
Kya yeh waqai kaam karti hai?

Super-Growth © Growth Formula ek bohut he kaam karne wala aur kamiyabi ke ache rate pe chalne wala product hai. Humein iske liye aksar khareedar dobara order karte hain, aur yeh iss baat ka saboot hai ke hamare khareedar iss dawa se bohut faeda hasil kar rahe hain. Yeh dawa hazaron logon ne istimaal ki hai aur takriban sari duniya ke logon main he kaam kar chuki hai.

Yeh dawa kab se market main farokht ho rahi hai?

Hamara advanced Super-Growth product bohut he Intensive Research se bana hai aur kam se kam 10 saalon se farokht ho raha hai. Hum, S.G labs pe qudrati aur hakeemi tareeke se apke kadd ko ubharne ke liye yeh formula nikal laye hain.
Super-Growth © asal main yeh karta kaise hai aur jism ke kis hissay pe kaam karta hai??

Super-Growth © ek sabita karda aur effective, 100% mehfooz aur qudrati dawa hai jo aapka hazma teiz karda hai, apke jigar aur digestion ko behtar banata hai. Iss tarhan yeh aapko kadd nikalney main madad karta hai aur apki sehat ko barkaraar rakhta hai. Super Growth height enhancer ki madad se aap bina kisi muzar asar ke apnay mann chaha kadd pa sakte hain.

Kya Super-Growth © ko FDA ne approve kea hai?

FDA saray khanay ki cheezain aur dawayen nahin approve karta lekin Super-Growth ek hakeemi dawa ki tarhan hai issliye yehb FDA ke rules ke andar ata hai. Hum apko yakeen delatey hain ke iss waja se hamari dawa ka kaam aur iski quality pe koi asarf nai hota. Humain bohut se logon se bohut he khoob jawabat mil chukay hain.

Super-Growth © ko laganay ke liye behtareen waqt konsa hai?

Super-Growth ko sonay se 10-20 pehle lagayen.

Isko kis tarhan sahi tareekey se rakha jaye?

Behtareen tareeka yeh hoga ke isko kisi thandee(sard nahin) aur andheri jaga pe rakha jaye aur dhoop se bachaya jaye. Iss dawa ko fridge main rakhne ki koi zaroorat peish nahin ayegi.

Iska asar kab tak nazar ana shuru hoga?

Iska asar alag alag logon ke hisab se alag alag waqt pe nazar ata hai. Aksar log pehle 4 hafton ,main he behtari dekhte hain, lekin kuhc logon ke liye thora zada arsa bhi lag sakta hai. Nateeja ahista ahista he aye ga, lekin rozana istimal se kadd aur santulan behtar hota nazar ayega. Super Growth ko bohut he ooncha kamiyabi ka rutba mila hai aur yeh ek bohut he kaam karne wali dawa hai. Hamaray khareedaron ne isko aksar baar baar mangwaya hai aur barson se hamain tareefain sunnay ko mil rahi hain.

Mujhe Super-Growth © kitney arse ke liye lena chaiye aur kyun?

Jaldi aur behtareen nateejey ke liye hamara manna yeh hai ke rozana isska istimal kea jaye. Iss tarhan aap dekhen ge ke aapka kadd, santulan aur jismani zorr barhta nazar ayega.
Kya Super Growth© ke koi muzar aasraat hain?

Nahin, Super-Growth Height Enhancer © ke koi muzar asraat nahin hain kyunke yeh 100% qudrati aur jari bootiyon se bana hai. Isko bananey main istimal karda cheezain bohut he sehat mand mani gayi hain aur aksar logon ko koi nuksaan nahin hua.

Ek botal kitney arse chaley gee?

Ek botal takriban 2 mahinay chal sakti hai agar aab har 2 din baad lagayen. Har botal main 15 ml ya phir 2 mahinay ke liye kafi dawa hai.

Kya bache Super-Growth Height Enhancer © yeh dawa le sakte hain?

Super-Growth Height Enhancer © nau saal aur uppar ke bache le sakte hain . Humara manna hai ke bachon ko istimal karanay se pehle apne doctor se ruju kijiye aur bachon ke kadd, wazan aur umar ke baray main poochlijiye.

Kya isskey koi buray asraat hain?

Super-Growth Height Enhancer ek qudrati dawa hai aur iski quality bohut he mehfooz hai. Iskey koi bhi buray asraat nahin paye jatey.
Kya mere mulk main bhejwayi jasakti hai?

Hum sari duniya main ship karte hain. Humein yeh batatey howe bohut khushi hoti hai ke hamarey khareedar sari duniya main paye jatey hain.

Main yeh dawa wapis kaise karsakta hoon? Kya yeh mumkin hai?
Kyunke hamari dawa aisi hai, issliye hum sirf band hui dawa he wapis le saktey hain. Ji, agar apki botal band hai tho hum kisi bhi waja se yeh wapis le len ge. Hum khareedari ke pehle 30 din main wapis kie hui dawa jo ke band ho, us ko pooray paise de den ge. Apke wapis kiye howe paison main se shipping ke paise kaat liye jayen ge aur $5.00 wapis karne ki fees ke taur pe katen ge.
Kya aap zada khareedari pe riayat denge?

Ji bilkul! Hum bulk main khareede janay pe aur agay bechne pe paise kam kardete hain. Ap sirf humain email kijiye iss address pe: aur bataye ke ap kis cheez main dilchaspi rakhte hain.

Main apki dawa agay bechna chahoon ga, kya aap mere khareedaron ko bhejwayen ge?

Ji jaan, humare pas drop shipping ka tareeka maujood hai. Baraye meherbani humse khud raabta karen aur batayen ke aap kahan rehte hain aur kaise bechna chahte hain.

Bohut Bohut shukriya un sab logon ka jinhon ne waqt nikal ke humain email ki aur bataya ke unko hamaree ijaad ke istimaal se kis tarhan faeda howa!

Main 5'5 ka tha jab maine Super-Growth istimal karna shuru ki. Ab main 5'7 hoon! Main 2 mahinon se bhi kam main 2 inch lamba howa hoon, Super-Growth ke istimaal se. Super-Growth waqai kaam karta hai, bohut saadgi se aur qudrati tareeke se, bina kisi chemical ya drugs ke. Main jaanta hoon ke main aur barhoon ga, agar main Super Growth leta raha.
Aloysius Sim Jaladri , age : 26 Singapore

Bohut bohut shukriya Super Growth jo meri madad ki lamba honay main. Maine Super Growth abhi sirf 1 he mahinaey istimal kea hai aur main ek zabardast 3 cm lamba hogaya hoon. Na sirf issne mere kadd barhne main madad ki, balke issne har woh faeday pooray keay, jiska isne wada kea tha.
Edgard Fiorenza, age: 21 France

Main 30 saal se uppar hoon, issliye maine yeh bohut jhijhaktey howe khareedi thi, sochta tha ke mere paas barhne ka ab zada moka nahin hai. Lekin, 2 mahinay ke istimal ke baad maine dekha ke main 1 inch barha hoon. Aur ab main yeh jaanta hoon ke yeh cheez kaam karti hain, issliye mera iska istimal jari rakhne ka confidence poora hai, janta hoon ke aur behtar nateeja milay ga. Super-Growth asani se laga saktey hain, aur bilkul dardnaak nahin hai. Aur yeh na bhooliye ke yeh har cheez se zada kaam karta hai.
Boris Ivanov, age: 35 Moscow, Russia

Mubarak baad aap sab ko New York se. Yeh hai mera kehna. Main Manhattan, NY main rehta hoon aur Basket ball khelta hoon apne college ke liye. Main sabko yeh batana chahoon ga ke Super Growth waqai kaam karta hai. Yeh aapko kafi inch barhne main madad karega. Shukriya aapko madad ke liye.
Bill Beckford, age: 20 NewYork

Main 17 saal ki hoon aur 1.50m lambi thi.....takriban 2 mahinay hogaye hain (dekhte he dekhte) aur main 1.57m ki hogayi! Wah! Yeh bohut hai! Meri sari dosten bhi heran thi. Jo mujhse lambi thi, woh ab mere jitni hain, aur baki mujhse choti hain. Main kabhi soch bhi nahin sakti thi ke main itni barh jau gee.
Catarina Carneiro, age: 17 Fortaleza, Brazilian

Super-Growth ki sabse achi baat yeh hai ke yeh meri ‘lambe honay ke khwab’ ko sacha karta hai. Main 6 mahinay main 3 inch lamba howa hoon. Yeh mujhe ek aur sabak sikhata hai; Hamesha apne khwabon ko zinda rakho, aur unko poora karne ki koshish karo.
Ed Barry , age : 19 CA, The USA

"..Super-Growth aj aya. Kya zabardast service hai! Shukriya bohut bohut, main zaroor aapka naam apne doston tak pohchau ga.

"Poori tarhan se mutmayeen khareedar ! Teiz delivery, sahi tarhan se packaged aur shukriya uss mazmoon ke liye...
Kiefer, Germany

".... Main bass yeh kehna chahoon ga ke main aapke customer se baat cheet ke tareekey ka bohut shukriya karna chahta hoon, aapko emailing bhi bohut achi hai. Bohut khushi hai yeh company jaan ke jo apne customers se khareedari ke bad bhi itni achi tarhan baat cheet rakhti hai. Yeh kaam jari rakhiye!
CRISTIN, Ireland

" Main bohut khush hoon aapke product se, aur bohut khush tha ke itni jaldi agaya mere pas!” Shukriya!
Lucy, Bridgend –England

" Bohut shukriya apko teiz aur achi service ke liye."

".. Main bohut khush hoon iss product se, aur bohut mutaasir hoon iski delivery ki teizi se”

Sofia, Singapore

Kya aapne Super Growth ke faedey tajarba keay hain? Agar haan, tho humain apna tajarba bhejiye, aur hum aapko woh product bhejen ge jiski aap baat kar rahe hon bilkul MUFT aur hum shipping ke paise bhi nahin lenge. Hum janna chahtey hain ke aapka nateeja kaisa tha takay hum baki logon ko bata saken. Iss email address pe apna tajarba bhejiye :by e-mail

Den mest effektive vej til at vokse hĂžjere naturligt !

Forestil dig at tage kontrol over dit liv og din HÞjde. Hvor godt ville det fÞler at se en hÞj, sexet refleksion i spejlet og vide, at du ser freamragende ud. TÊnk et Þjeblik over, hvordan dine venner og mÄske kÊreste ville reagere, hvis du gik ind i stuen, ser stor og smuk ud, fuld af ny tillid. Vores tilfredse kunder behÞver ikke at forestille sig, Super-Growth har hjulpet dem med at tage kontrol og vokse hÞjere. LÊs deres historier, og se hvordan Super-Growth har Êndret deres liv og hjulpet dem til at blive den person, som de altid Þnsket at vÊre.


Gavnlige virkninger:
At blive hĂžjere
At forĂžge din energi
For at tabe vĂŠgt, forandre din forbrĂŠnding af fedt og opbygge stĂžrrer muskler
Forbedre din normale vĂŠkst

Verden omkring, sportsfolk, modeller, basketball spillere, bodybuilders, og mange privatpersoner har kÞbt Super-Growth for ekstra hÞjde stigning og krop fleksibilitet. Super-Growth vil Þge din naturlige vÊkst ved at forbedre din HGH plan og ved at regenerere din brusk, diske og ben. Super-Growth HÞjde Booster til at hjÊlpe din krop til at vokse hÞjere meget hurtigere og ogsÄ vil forbedre dit generelle arbejdsstillinger.

Grunden til at mange mennesker droppede at vokse sig hÞjere er fordi de ikke havde en videnskabelig mÄde, naturligt at Þge deres vÊksthormon level. VÊkst hormon er den vigtigste faktor for at kontrollere din knoglevÊkst, fordi det er det eneste hormon, der stimulerer vÊksten af brusk celler i slutningen af deres ben (som er eneansvarlig for den vertikale vÊkst af dine knogler). Super-Growth behandlinger vil hjÊlpe dig med at forbedre dine generelle arbejdsstillinger og vÊkst.

Super-Growth Height Booster is a safe, effective, efficient, convenient, cost-effective, new revolutionary technology growing taller product undergone intensive researches and development created and test-proven by teams of scientists.
Super-Growth Height Booster er en sikker, effektiv, praktisk og omkostningseffektiv, ny revolutionerende teknologi voksende hÞjere produkt, undergÄet intensiv forskning og udviklings skabt ved et hold af forskere.

Der er:
Ingen Þvelse krÊves, Ingen kirugi krÊves, Ingen injektion krÊves, Ingen smertefuld forstrÊkkelse krÊves, Ingen smertefulde indlÊgs sÄler krÊves.

Super-Growth Inc. tilbyder online sikker knogle vÊkst behandlinger til at hjÊlpe dig vokse hÞjere og hurtigere ved at regenerere dine knogler og Þge din naturlige growth.Within den fÞrste mÄned, vil du begynde at lÊgge mÊrke til Êndringer, sÄsom arbejdsstillinger forbedring og hÞjde forbedring

Super-Growth Inc. Provides online safe and up to date bones growth treatments to help you grow taller and faster by regenerating your bones and boosting your natural growth.Within the first month, you will start to notice changes, such as posture improvement and height improvement.LĂŠs mere...

LĂŠs Hvad Vores Glade Kunder Synes Om Produktet

Er hĂžjde forĂžgelse / Vokse HĂžjere Muligt?

Det er muligt at Ăžge HĂžjde! Hvis du Ăžnsker at vokse hĂžjere, du fĂžler deprimeret eller har fĂžlelsesmĂŠssige problemer i forbindelse med forsinkelser i vĂŠkst, karriere, Kort HĂžjde og arbejdsstillinger udvikling er der nu en lĂžsning til at Ăžge din hĂžjde.

Vidste du: At du kan manipulere din vĂŠkst uanset genetik og hvad andre har sagt.

SG Inc. har skabt den fĂžrste effektive voksende hĂžjere produkt.
"Super-Growth hÞjde forstÊrker er den fÞrste og den mest effektive hÞjde Þge tillÊgget til naturligvis at hjÊlpe dig med at vokse hÞjere og forbedre din naturlige vÊkst evner" Super-Growth hÞjde forstÊrker har vist sig som en effektiv mÄde at udfÞre en voksens hÞjde efter vÊksten er afsluttet

Super-Growth vil Þge din naturlige vÊkst ved at forbedre din HGH niveau og ved at regenerere din brusk, diske og knogler.Super-Growth HÞjde Booster at hjÊlpe din krop til at vokse hÞjere meget hurtigere og ogsÄ vil forbedre dit generelle posture. Indenfor den fÞrste mÄned, vil du begynde at lÊgge mÊrke til Êndringer, sÄsom arbejdsstillinger forbedring og hÞjde forbedring.

Vores Mission:

• Vi giver det hĂžjeste kvalitet produkt muligt for vores kunder.
• Vi sikrer vores kunder, at vores rĂ„varer og ingredienser er nĂžjagtigt som angivet.
• Vi arbejder pĂ„ hĂžjeste niveau af integritet og ĂŠrlighed.
• Vores kunder modtager individuel pleje og opmĂŠrksomhed pĂ„ deres sĂŠrlige virksomhedernes behov.
• Vi giver gratis konsultation fra de mest erfarne kilder vi har at tilbyde.
• Vi er kreative og udvikler ejendomsretligt formuleringer der ikke er tilgĂŠngelige andre steder.
• Vi gennemfĂžrer omfattende produktinformation profiler, herunder undersĂžgelser af de forskellige produkter.

S-G Inc. er dedikeret til topkvalitet. Vi er partner med vores kunder med at indfÞre den mest effektive, mest innovative brugerdefinerede ernÊringsmÊssige formuleringer tilgÊngelige overalt i verden. Vi har haft sÄ stor succes pÄ at gÞre vores kunder profitable og mere effektivt pÄ markedet, at vores virksomhed er vokset med over 600% i de sidste 3 Är. SG Inc. fortsÊtter sin dedikation til kvalitet og innovation pÄ vegne af vores kunder.

For at lykkes i nutidens markedsÞkonomi; en behov af effektive produkter, som virkelig kan gÞre en forskel pÄ slutbrugerens liv. Det betyder ikke kun at levere produkter, der tester UltrahÞj for renhed, men ogsÄ produkter, som har de korrekte mÊngder og egenskaber til at vÊre effektive til sit formÄl.

Vores sammensatte erfaring plus nuttidig testning hjÊlper med at fÊrdiggÞre de produkter, som har synergistiske vÊrdier. Vi har helt klart forstÄet betydningen af at give den mest effektive kombination af forbindelser, der skaber kundetilfredshed og omorganisering i dag stÊrkt konkurrenceprÊget miljÞ.

SG Inc.

Vi har sÞgt lÊnge og hÄrdt for at naturligt afhjÊlpe, ikke blot bidrage til din hÞjde og betingelserm men ogsÄ effektivt og professionelt producere.
Virker det virkeligt?

Super-Growth © Growth Formularen har vĂŠret meget effektiv med en meget hĂžj succesrate. Vi fĂ„r en meget hĂžj genbestille sats pĂ„ produktet, hvilket indikerer, at vores kunder er meget tilfredse med det. Faktisk er det blevet solgt til bogstavelig talt tusindvis af kunder i stort set alle lande i hele verden!

Hvor lang tid har dette produkt vÊret pÄ markedet?

Vores avancerede Super-Growth product blev opfundet ved en intensiv forskning, med stor succes, for over ti Ă„r siden. PĂ„ SG. Inc. Laboratier. Finder du den hĂžjeste kvalitet naturlig medicin for din hĂžjde, professionelt formuleret i terapeutiske doser af en fĂžrende professionel forskning.

Hvilke behandling dĂŠkker Super-Growth?

Super-Growth © er en gennemprĂžvet, effektiv, 100% sikker og naturlig sund urte suplement, som kan Ăžge stofskiftet, forbedre lever og fordĂžjelseskanalens funktion og hjĂŠlper dig med at vokse hĂžjere uden at skade dit helbred. Med Super-Growth HĂžjde ForhĂžjer kan du roligt og naturligt vokse hĂžjere og hurtigere uden bivirkninger. .

Er Super-Growth © godkendt af FDA?

FDA overvÄger alle fÞdevarer og lÊgemidler. Da Super-VÊkst er et naturlÊgemiddel, falder det ind under rammerne af FDA. Vi forsikrer dem om, at dette pÄ ingen mÄde mindsker de kvaliteter af der er meningen med produktetet. Vi har modtaget en tremedous positiv respons fra vores brugere.

Hvad er det bedste tidspukt at bruge Super-Growth © ?

Anvend Super-Growth © 10-20 minutter, inden De gĂ„r i seng.

Hvor er det bedst at opbevare vores produkt?

Det er bedst af opbevare Super-Growth et sted, hvor det er kÞligt (ikke koldt) mÞrkt sted beskyttet mod direkte sollys sÄsom et skab. Produktet behÞver ikke at blive nedkÞlet.

HvornÄr vil forandringen kunne ses?

Det varierer fra person til person, men i gennemsnitlig ser man de fÞrste forbedringer pÄ personer inden for 4 uger, mens det for andre kan det tage lidt lÊngere tid. Resultaterne vil blive gradvist. RegelmÊssig brug vil vise hÞjden stige, bedre humÞr og Þget energiforbrug niveauer. Super-Growth har haft en meget hÞj succesrate, og er meget effektive. Vores genbestille sats for dette produkt er meget hÞj, og kunderne har sendt os positive kommentarer i Ärevis.

Hvor lang tid skal jeg tage Super-Growth © og hvorfor?

For hurtigere og mere dramatiske resultater, anbefaler vi, at du begynder at anvende Super-Growth regelmÊssigt. RegelmÊssigt brug vil vise HÞjde ForhÞjelse, bedre humÞr og Þget energiforbrug indenfor for 1 - 6 mÄneder.

Har Super-Growth © nogle bivirkninger?

Nej, Super-vĂŠkst HĂžjde Enhancer © har ingen form for bivirkninger, det er 100% naturlige plantelĂŠgemidler. Ingredienserne i Super-Growth HĂžjde ForhĂžjer© have en hĂžj sikkerhed profil og er generelt meget vel tolereret uden nogen bivirkninger.

Hvor lang tid laster en flaske?

Hver flaske vil vare cirka 2 mÄneder, hvis du anvender produktet hver dag. Hver flaske indeholder 15 ml eller 2 mÄneders brug.

Kan bĂžrn anvende Super-Growth Height Enhancer © med sikkerhed?

Kan anvendes til bÞrn fra omkring en alder af ni Är - og opad. Vi vil anbefale at du hÞrer din lÊge eller med spÞrgsmÄl om dit barns hÞjde, vÊgt og alder.

Er der nogle sideeffekter for dette produkt?

Super-Growth Height Enhancer er alt sammen naturligt og top kvalitet, som er sikkert og effektivt. Der er ingen negative bivirkninger forbundet med dette produkt.

Sender i til mit land?

Vi sender produktet til hele verden. Vi er glade for at fÄ kunder over hele verden, og vi sender til alle lande.

Hvordan kan jeg retunerer mit produkt? Kan jeg gĂžre det?

PÄ grund af vores natur produkter, kan vi kun acceptere returnereret varer, sÄfremt de ikke har vÊret Äbnet og den oprindelige forsegling intakt. Hvis dit produkt ikke er blevet Äbnet, kan det blive returneret. Vi accepterer enhver tilbagesendelse gjort inden for de fÞrste 30 dage fra kÞbsdatoen. Du vil modtage en fuld tilbagebetaling af det samlede kÞbsbelÞb, med fradrag af forsendelsen og hÄndteringen af gebyrer, som kan vÊre blevet anlagt og en $ 5,00 tilbagesendelses ekspeditionsgebyr.

Giver I mĂŠngde rabat?

Det gÞr vi. Vi kan tilbyde betydelige rabatter for store kÞb, enten til videresalg eller til forskellige organisationer. Bare send os en e-mail pÄ: og lad os vide, hvad du er interesseret i.

Jeg overvejer at sĂŠlge jeres produkt, vil i sende det til min kunde?

Ja, vi har et drop-shipping program. VĂŠr sĂžd at kontakt os direkte, lad os vide, hvilke kommune du bor i, og hvordan du planlĂŠgger at sĂŠlge disse produkter.
Tak til enkeltpersoner nedenfor for at tage sig tid til at kontakte os om deres personlige kundeudtalelser, vi er glade for I har oplevet sÄ store resultater med vores produkter!

Jeg var 5'5, da jeg begyndte at bruge Super-vÊkst. Nu er jeg 5'7! Jeg er vokset omkring 2 inches pÄ mindre end 2 mÄneder ved hjÊlp af Super-vÊkst! Super-vÊkst fungerervirkelig enkelt og naturligt uden brug af kemikalier eller narkotika. Jeg ved, at jeg vil vokse yderligere i fremtiden ved at fortsÊtte med at bruge Super-Growth.
Med venlig hilsen
Aloysius Sim Jaladri, alder: 26 Singapore

Tak Super-Growth for at hjÊlpe mig medat vokse hÞjere. Jeg har kun brugt Super-Growth I en 1 mÄned og har vokset hel utroligt 3cm. Ikke kun har det hjulpet pÄ min hÞjde udvikling, den har opfyldt alle de fordele, den har lovet.
Edgard Fiorenza, alder: 21 Frankrig

Jeg er over 30, sÄ jeg var temmelig skeptisk over Super-Growth, tÊnkte jeg ikke havde megen chance om at fÄ nogen hÞjde forÞgelse. Men efter to mÄneder af brug af Super-Growth, har jeg har set en tomme af vÊkst! Og nu ved jeg, at det fungerer, det giver mig tillid til at fortsÊtte, vel vidende, jeg kan opnÄ endnu bedre resultater. Super-Growth er let at anvende, diskret og smertefrit. Ikke at forglemme-langt mere effektive end de alternative muligheder. Tak!
Boris Ivanov, alder: 35 Moscow, Rusland

Hilsen til dig fra NewYork. Dette er mit vidneudsagn.
Jeg skriver fra Manhattan, NY. Jeg spiller Basketball for lokale college. Jeg vil gerne sige til alle der er interesseret i at blive hĂžjere, at Super-vĂŠkst virker. det vil hjĂŠlpe nogen til at vokse flere inches.Tak du for din hjĂŠlp.
Bill Beckford, alder: 20 NewYork

Jeg er 17 Är gammel og var 1.50m hÞj ... omkring 2 mÄnede var der gÄet (endda uden at mÊrke!), og jeg voksede til 1.57m! Wow! Det er meget! Selv mine venner var forblÞffet! Venner, der var hÞjere end jeg er nu nÊsten samme hÞjde, andre er kortere! Jeg kunne aldrig har troet at jeg kunne vokse sÄ meget.
Catarina Carneiro, alder: 17 Fortaleza, brasiliansk

Den bedste ting ved Super-vÊkst er, at det gÞr min "hÞjde drÞm" til sandheden. Jeg voksede 3 tommer pÄ 6 mÄneder. Det har lÊrt mig en god lektie for: Vi skal altid holde vores drÞmme i live og tage en chance for at realisere dem.Ed Barry, alder: 19 Californien, USA

".. Super-vĂŠkst ankom i dag. Hvilken fantastisk service! Mange tak, jeg vil videregive dit navn til mine venner
Ava, USA

"Helt tilfreds kunde! Hurtig levering, godt emballeret og tak for det Brochure ..
Kiefer, Tyskland

".... Jeg vil blot sige, hvor meget jeg sÊtter pris pÄ din kunde relationer og e-mail-kommunikation. Det er en fornÞjelse at finde en virksomhed, der behandler sine kunder godt efter salget er afsluttet. FortsÊt det gode arbejde! "

"Jeg er meget tilfreds med produktet, og jeg var meget tilfreds med, hvor hurtigt det ankom. Thank you."
Lucy, Bridgend-England

"Mange tak for din meget hurtig og effektiv service."
Rick, Californien, USA

".. Jeg er meget tilfreds med produktet og virkelig imponeret over den hastighed, hvor det blev leveret."
Sofia, Singapore

Sofia, Singapore

Har du oplevet fordelene ved Super-vÊkst HÞjde Enhancer produkt? Hvis ja, sÄ send os dine udtalelser, og vi vil sende dig det produkt, du er rablende om helt gratis, og vi vil endda dÊkke shipping cost. Vi er ivrige efter at hÞre om dine resultater oplevet sÄ vi kan dele disse succeser med flere kunder, praktiserende lÊger og patienter. Indsend dine kundeudtalelser via e-mail
Voks hÞjere, voks hÞjere naturligt, hvordan du vokser hÞjere naturligt, hÞjde forÞgelse, hÞjde, forskellige mÄder at vokse hÞjere pÄ


æƒłćƒă—ăŠăżăŸă—ă‚‡ă†。もしèČŽæ–čがè‡Ș戆ぼèș«é•·ă‚’ă‚łăƒłăƒˆăƒ­ăƒŒăƒ«ă§ăăŸă‚‰ă©ă‚“ăȘă«çŽ æ™Žă‚‰ă—ă„ă§ă—ă‚‡ă†。éĄă«ă†ă€ă‚‹è‡Șćˆ†ăźć§żă‚„ćżƒăŻă©ă‚“ăȘă«æ™Žă‚Œă‚„ă‹ă§ă—ă‚‡ă†。è‡ȘäżĄă«ă‚ă”ă‚Œ、魅抛的ăȘあăȘăŸă‚’èŠ‹ăŸć‘šă‚Šăźć‹é”ă‚„æ‹äșșはどうでしょうかSUPER-GROWTHăȘら、ăă‚ŒăŒæƒłćƒăźăŸăŸă§ç”‚ă‚ă‚‹ă“ăšăŻă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“。


- èș«é•·ăŒäŒžăłă‚‹。
- ă‚šăƒăƒ«ă‚źăƒŒă‚’èŁœç”Š
- äœ“é‡ăŒæž›ă‚‹、脂è‚Șă‚’ç‡ƒç„Œ、ç­‹è‚‰ă‚’ç™ș達させる。
-  継続的にèș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă™。
Super-Growthは柉慚にèș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă™ă“ăšăŒć‡șæ„ăŸă™。ăŸăŸćŠčæžœçš„ă”ćˆ©ç”šă§ăă‚Œă«ăŠćŸ—。æ–°ă—ă„ă‚čă‚żă‚€ăƒ«ăźèș«é•·äżƒé€ČèŁœć“ăŻćŽłă—ă„æ€œæŸ»ă«ă‚‚ćˆæ Œă—ăŠă„ăŸă™。ăŸăŸ、継続的ăȘ開ç™șă‚‚èĄŒăŁăŠăŠă‚Š、ćŒ»ćž«ă‚‚æŽšè–Šă—ăŠă„ăŸă™。


Super-Growth Inc. ăŻćź‰ć…šă‹ă€æœ€æ–°ăźæ–čæł•ă§éȘšă‚’ç”Ÿæˆă™ă‚‹æ–čæł•ă‚’é›†ă‚ăŸă—ăŸ。1ăƒ¶æœˆă§èČŽæ–čたèș«é•·ăŒäŒžăł、è‡Șç„¶ă«èƒŒăŒé«˜ăăȘă‚ŠăŸă™。ă‚‚ăŁăšè©łă—ăèȘ­ă‚€

èƒŒăŒé«˜ăăȘる。そんăȘă“ăšăŒă‚ă‚ŠćŸ—ă‚‹ă§ă—ă‚‡ă†ă‹。èƒŒăŒé«˜ăăȘă‚ŠăŸă„ăšæ€ă†ăźă«、ăȘかăȘă‹äŒžăłăȘăăŠć«ŒăȘæ°—æŒăĄă«ăȘったり、èœăĄèŸŒă‚“ă ă‚Šă—ăŸă“ăšăŻă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“ă‹。èƒŒăŒäœŽă„ăšä»•äș‹ă‚„äșșæ ŒăȘă©æ°—ă«ăȘă‚‹ă“ăšăŻă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“ă‹。もしそうăȘら、ă“ă‚Œă“ăăŒć•éĄŒè§Łæ±șæ–čæł•ă§ă™。

çŸ„ăŁăŠă„ăŸă™ă‹。 éșäŒć­ă‚„ä»–ăźäșșăźèš€ă†ă“ăšăŒă©ă†ă§ă‚ă‚Œ、あăȘăŸăźèƒŒăŻăŸă ăŸă é«˜ăăȘるこべができるぼです。

S.GInc. èƒŒă‚’é«˜ăă™ă‚‹ă«ă“ăźć•†ć“ăŒç”ŸăŸă‚ŒăŸă—ăŸ。
Super-Growthはè‡Șç„¶ă«èƒŒă‚’é«˜ăă—ăŸă™。あăȘăŸă«ăźèƒŒă‚’ç„Ąç†ăȘăäŒžă°ă—ăŠăă‚ŒăŸă™。ăă‚Œă«è‡Ș戆è‡Șèș«ăŒă‚‚ă€ă‚‚ăšă‚‚ăšăźæˆé•·ćŠ›ă‚‚é«˜ă‚ăŠăă‚ŒăŸă™。æˆé•·ăźæ­ąăŸăŁăŸć€§äșșであっどもSuper-Growth ăȘă‚‰èƒŒă‚’é«˜ăă™ă‚‹ă“ăšăŒèšŒæ˜Žă•ă‚ŒăŠă„ăŸă™。


- ăŠćźąæ§˜ăźăŸă‚ă«èłȘぼよいもぼを集める。
- ææ–™ăźć“èłȘă‚’çŽ°éƒšă«äżèšŒ。
- ćżƒă‚’ă“ă‚ăŸă‚”ăƒŒăƒ“ă‚č。
- ăŠćźąæ§˜ăžăźăŠă‚‚ăŠăȘしぼ濃。
- ç”Œéš“ă«ă‚‚ăšă„ăă‚ąăƒ‰ăƒă‚€ă‚č。
- 敆擁ぼ擁èłȘăźăŸă‚ă«ç ”ç©¶ă‚’ç¶šă‘ă‚‹。
- ä»–ăźć•†ć“ă«ă€ă„ăŠăźç ”ç©¶ç”æžœă‚’ć«ă‚ć•†ć“ă«ă€ă„ăŠăźç ”ç©¶。

S-G Inc.ăŻăŠćźąæ§˜ăšăšă‚‚ă«ă‚ˆă‚Šă‚ˆă„ć•†ć“ă‚’ç”Ÿăżć‡șă—ăŠăăŸă—ăŸ。そしど3ćčŽăźć‘ă«ăŠćźąæ§˜ă«ć°œăă—ăŸç”æžœ600%ăźæˆé•·ă—ăŸă—ăŸ。これからもS-G Inc.ăŻăŠćźąæ§˜ăźăŸă‚ă«ć•†ć“ăźé–‹ç™șă‚’ç¶šă‘ăŠă‚†ăăŸă™。


ćźŸéš“ç”Œéš“ă‚’ă‚‚ăšă«ăŠćźąæ§˜ăźăƒ‹ăƒŒă‚șă‚’ç†è§Łă—ăŸă—ăŸ。そしどさらăȘă‚‹ç ”ç©¶ă«ă‚ˆăŁăŠă‚ˆă‚Šă‚ˆă„ă‚‚ăźă‚’äœœă‚ŠăŸă—ăŸ。ăă†ă™ă‚Œă°ăŠćźąæ§˜ăźæș€è¶łăŒćŸ—ă‚‰ă‚Œ、ć•†ć“ă‚’æłšæ–‡ă—ăŠă„ăŸă ă‘ă‚‹ăźă§ă™。

SG Inc.

無理ăȘくèș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă™ă ă‘ă§ăŻăȘく、èŁœé€ ă‚„ć“èłȘă«ă‚‚ă“ă ă‚ăŁăŸăŸă‚、漉慹ăȘć•†ć“ă‚’äœœă‚Šă‚ă’ă‚‹ăźă«é•·ă„æ™‚é–“ă‚’ç ”ç©¶ă—ăŸă—ăŸ。

Super-GrowthⒸがèș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă™ćŠčæžœăźé«˜ă•ă«ă‚ˆă‚Š、ăŠćźąæ§˜ă‹ă‚‰æș€è¶łăźćŁ°ă‚’ă„ă‚ăŸă ă„ăŠă„ăŸă™。ăăźç”æžœ、äž–ç•Œäž­ă«1000äșșä»„äžŠăźăŠćźąæ§˜ă‹ă‚‰äœ•ć›žă‚‚æłšæ–‡ă‚’ă„ăŸă ă„ăŠă„ăŸă™。

ă“ăźć•†ć“ăŒćž‚ć Žă«ć‡șăŠă‹ă‚‰ă©ăźăă‚‰ă„ă§ă™ă‹。
SG.Incた研究柀で10ćčŽä»„äžŠăźç ”ç©¶ăźæœ«ă«ç”ŸăŸă‚ŒăŸă—ăŸ。ăŸă‚†ăŸăŹć•†ć“é–‹ç™ș、ăŸăŸć€©ç„¶æˆćˆ†ă‹ă‚‰ă†ăŸă‚ŒăŸè–Źć“ăšă—ăŠSuper-Growthăăźé«˜ă„ć“èłȘăšç‹Źç›źæ€§ă§ćŒ»ćž«ăźæŽšè–Šă‚‚ć—ă‘ăŠă„ăŸă™。

Super-GrowthⒸăźćź‰ć…šæ€§ăŻ100%èšŒæ˜Žă•ă‚ŒăŠă„ăŸă™。æ¶ˆćŒ–ă‚·ă‚čテムを促し、èș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă™ć€©ç„¶ăźăƒăƒŒăƒ–ăŒäœ“ă«èČ æ‹…ă‚’ă‹ă‘ă‚‹ă“ăšăȘく、ćƒăăŸă™。Super-Growth Height Enhancer は柉慚か぀è‡Ș然にèș«é•·ă‚’äŒžă°ă—ăŸă™。

ケメăƒȘă‚«ăźćŽšç”ŸçœFDAăŻć…šăŠăźéŁŸć“ăšè–Źć“ă‚’æ€œæŸ»ă—ăŠă„ăŸă™。Super-Growthă‚‚è–Źè‰ăƒŹăƒ™ăƒ«ă‹ă‚‰æ€œæŸ»ă‚’ć—ă‘ăŸă—ăŸ。FDAぼもべ、擁èłȘăŒäżèšŒă•ă‚Œ、ăăźç”æžœ、ăŠćźąæ§˜ă«ă‚‚é«˜ă„äżĄé Œă‚’ćŸ—ăŠă„ăŸă™。



äșșă«ă‚ˆăŁăŠć·źăŒă‚ă‚ŠăŸă™ăŒ。ć€§äœ“4é€±é–“ăă‚‰ă„ă§ç”æžœăŒć‡șăŸă™。しかし、ćŠčæžœă‚’ćŸ—ă‚‹ăźă«é•·æ™‚é–“ăŒă‹ă‹ă‚‹ć Žćˆă‚‚ă‚ă‚ŠăŸă™。ćŠčæžœăŻć°‘ă—ăšă€èĄšă‚ŒăŸă™。ă»ăšă‚“ă©ăźäœżç”šè€…ăŻèș«é•·ăŒäŒžăł、æ°—ćˆ†ăŒă‚ˆăăȘă‚‹ă†ăˆă«ă‚šăƒăƒ«ă‚źăƒŒă‚‚èŁœç”Šă•ă‚Œă‚‹ă“ăšă‚’ćźŸæ„Ÿă—ăŠă„ăŸă™。
Super-Growthăźé«˜ă„ćŠčæžœă«ă‚ˆă‚Š、çč°ă‚Šèż”ă—ă”æłšæ–‡ă‚’äž‹ă•ă‚‹èŠłćźąăźçš†æ§˜ă‹ă‚‰ă‚‚ăŸăă•ă‚“ăźă”æ„èŠ‹ă‚’ă„ăŸă ă„ăŠă„ăŸă™。

いいえ、Super-Growth Height EnhancerⒸăŻć‰Żäœœç”šăŻă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“。ć€©ç„¶ăźăƒăƒŒăƒ–ă‚’äœżç”šă—ăŠă„ăŸă™ăźă§Super-Growth Height EnhancerⒸăŻćź‰ć…šæ€§ăŒäżèšŒă•ă‚ŒăŠă„ăŸă™。é€šćžžăŻć‰Żäœœç”šăŒèĄšă‚Œă‚‹ă“ăšăŒă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“。

 1æœŹă§2ăƒ¶æœˆă«äœżç”šă§ăăŸă™。1æ—„ăŠăă«ă”äœżç”šăźć ŽćˆăŻ15ïœïœŒăźăƒœăƒˆăƒ«ă§çŽ„2ăƒ¶æœˆă§ă™。

ć­äŸ›ăŻSuper-Growth Height EnhancerⒸă‚’äœżăˆăŸă™ă‹。
9æ­łä»„äžŠ、ăźăŠć­æ§˜ă«ă”äœżç”šă„ăŸă ă‘ăŸă™ăŒ、ăŠćŒ»è€…ćˆăŻć°‚é–€ćź¶ă«ç›žè«‡ăȘă•ă‚‹ă“ăšă‚’ăŠă™ă™ă‚ă—ăŸă™。
Super-Growth Height EnhancerăŻć‰Żäœœç”šăźćżƒé…ăŻă‚ă‚ŠăŸă›ă‚“ćŽłéžă—ăŸ、ć€©ç„¶æˆćˆ†ă§ă§ăăŠă„ăŸă™ăźă§ćź‰ć…šă§ă™。



 ć•†ć“ă‚’äœżă‚ăȘい才ăȘă‚‰èż”ć“ă‚’ăŠć—ă‘ă—ăŸă™。ć•†ć“ă«ć•éĄŒăŒăȘă„ć ŽćˆăŻèłŒć…„æ—„ă‹ă‚‰30æ—„ä»„ć†…ăȘă‚‰èż”ć“ćŻèƒœă§ă™。

  æČąć±±æłšæ–‡ă„ăŸă ă„ăŸć Žćˆăšć‰ČćŒ•ăŒă‚ă‚ŠăŸă™。è»ąćŁČă™ă‚‹æˆ–ă„ăŻćžćŁČă‚Šă‚’ç›źçš„ăšă•ă‚Œă‚‹ć ŽćˆăŻăƒĄăƒŒăƒ«ă§ă”é€Łç”Ąäž‹ă•ă„。
mailto:è»ąćŁČă™ă‚‹æˆ–ă„ăŻćžćŁČă‚Šă‚’ç›źçš„ăšă•ă‚Œă‚‹ć ŽćˆăŻăƒĄăƒŒăƒ«ă§ă”é€Łç”Ąäž‹ă•ă„。EăƒĄăƒŒăƒ«ă‚ąăƒ‰ăƒŹă‚č

私はこぼ敆擁をćŁČă‚ŠăŸă„ăźă§ă™ăŒć·„ć Žă‹ă‚‰ç§ăźăŠèŠłćźąă«ç›ŽæŽ„é…é”ă™ă‚‹ă“ăšăŻćŻèƒœă§ă™ă‹。

ă”è©Šç”šă«ăȘăŁăŸăŠćźąæ§˜ă‹ă‚‰äœ“éš“è«‡ăźEăƒĄăƒŒăƒ«ă‚’ă„ăŸă ăăŸă—ăŸ。æœ‰é›Łă†ćŸĄćș§ă„ăŸă™。ćœ“ç€ŸăźèŁœć“ăŒăŠćźąæ§˜ăźăŠćœčă«ç«‹ăŁăŸă“ăšăŻäœ•ă‚ˆă‚Šăźć–œăłă§ă™。

Aloysius Sim Jaladri ,age :26 Singapore

Super-growthă«æ„ŸèŹă—ăŠă„ăŸă™。1ăƒ¶æœˆé–“Super-growthă‚’äœżăŁăŠăżăŸăšă“ă‚èș«é•·ăŒ3ă‚»ăƒłăƒé«˜ăăȘă„ăŸă—ăŸ。ç§ă«ăšăŁăŠăšăŠă‚‚ă†ă‚Œă—ă„ă“ăšă§ă—ăŸ。Super-growthăŻç§ăźèƒŒă‚’é«˜ăă—ăŠăă‚ŒăŸă ă‘ă§ăŻăȘăăźä»–ăźéƒšćˆ†ă‚‚ă‚«ăƒƒă‚łă‚ˆăăȘă‚ŠăŸă—ăŸ。
Edgard Fiorenza, age:21 France

私は30æ­łă‚’è¶…ăˆăŠă„ă‚‹ăźă§、Super-growthă‚’äœżă†ă‹ă©ă†ă‹ăšăŠă‚‚è€ƒăˆăŸ。èș«é•·ăŻé«˜ăăȘă‚ŠăŸă„ă‘ă©ăă‚“ăȘぼは無理ăȘă“ăšă ăšæ€ăŁăŸ。Super-growthă‚’äœżăŁăŠăżăŸă‚‰、èș«é•·ăŒ1ă‚€ăƒłăƒé«˜ăăȘった。私はSuper-growthă‚’äżĄé Œă—ăŠă„ă‚‹。Super-growthăŻäœżă„ă‚„ă™ă„ă—、痛みもăȘい、
Boris Lvanov, age :35 Moscow, Russia

NEW YORKă‹ă‚‰ăŠäœżă‚Šă—ăŸă™、ă“ă‚ŒăŻç§ăŒćźŸéš›ă«äœ“éš“ă—ăŸäș‹。
私はNY, Manhattan た栱摊です。私は性歊たバă‚čă‚±ăƒƒăƒˆăƒœăƒŒăƒ«ăźéžæ‰‹。èƒŒăŒé«˜ăăȘă‚ŠăŸă„ăšæ€ăŁăŠă„ă‚‹。äșșă€…ă«äŒăˆăŸă„ăźăŻSuper-growthăŒæœŹćœ“ă«ćŠčくべいうこべです。äœ•ă‚€ăƒłăƒă‚‚äŒžăłă‚‹ă“ăšć—ă‘ă‚ă„ă§ă™。
Bill Beckford, age:20 New York

私は17æ­łă§ă™。èș«é•·1.50ă‚»ăƒłăƒă§ă—ăŸăŒ、2ăƒ¶æœˆćŸŒă«ăŻ、èș«é•·ăŻ 1.57ă‚»ăƒłăƒă«ăȘă‚ŠăŸă—ăŸ!!çŽ æ™Žă‚‰ă—ă„!!!
Catarina Carneiro ,age:17 Fortaleza, Brazilian

Super-growthぼいいç‚čは 私た怹をかăȘăˆăŠăă‚ŒăŸă“ăšæˆćŠŸă—ăŸ! 6ăƒ¶æœˆă§3ă‚€ăƒłăƒèƒŒăŒé«˜ăăȘった。
Ed Barry, age:19 CA, The USA

Ave, The USA

ăŠćźąă«ăšăŁăŠăšăŠă‚‚ă†ă‚Œă—ă„ă‚”ăƒŒăƒ“ă‚č。 é‹é€ăŒæ—©ă、パッキングがいい。ăă‚Œă«、ăƒ‘ăƒłăƒ•ăƒŹăƒƒăƒˆă‚‚é€ăŁăŠăă‚ŒăŠæœ‰é›Łă†。
Kiefer, Germany

ăŠćźąæ§˜ă‚”ăƒŒăƒ“ă‚čă‚„ăƒĄăƒŒăƒ«ă‚łăƒŸăƒ„äșŒă‚±ăƒŒă‚·ăƒ§ăƒłăȘă©ă«ăšăŠă‚‚æ„ŸèŹă—ăŸă—ăŸ。æœ€ćˆă‹ă‚‰æœ€ćŸŒăŸă§ăšăŠă‚‚ă„ă„æ…‹ćșŠă§æŽ„ă—ăŠă‚‚ă‚‰ăˆăŸă—ăŸ。 ă“ă‚Œă‹ă‚‰ă‚‚ă„ă„ă‚”ăƒŒăƒ“ă‚čを続けお䞋さい。CRISTIN , Lreland

Lucy, Bridgend-England

Rick ,CA,The USA

Sofia, Singapore

èČŽæ–čăŻă“ă‚ŒăŸă§ă«Super-growth height enhanceră‚’ăŠè©Šă—ă«ăȘăŁăŸă“ăšăŒă‚ă‚ŠăŸă™ă‹。ă‚‚ă—äœżăŁăŸäș‹ăŒă‚ă‚‹ăȘらごè‡Șćˆ†ăźç”Œéš“ă‚’é€ăŁăŠăżăŠäž‹ă•ă„。ăŠç€Œă«ć•†ć“ă‚’ăŠé€ă‚Šă—ăŸă™。ć…šăŠç„Ąæ–™ă§ă™。æˆ‘ă€…ăŻèČŽæ–čăźă”äœżç”šç”Œéš“ă‚’ă†ă‹ăŒă„ăŸă„ăźă§ă™。èČŽæ–čăźç”Œéš“ăŻä»–ăźăŠćźąæ§˜、ă‚„ćŒ»ćž«、æ‚Łè€…ă«ăšăŁăŠæœ‰ç›ŠăȘæƒ…ć ±ăšăȘるはずです。èČŽæ–čăźç”Œéš“ă‚’e-mail: sales@super-growth.comに送っお䞋さい。


Monday, September 7, 2009

Öka sin lĂ€ngd?

FörestÀll dig ta kontroll över ditt liv och din lÀngd, hur bra skulle det kÀnnas att se en lÄng, sexig bild av dig sjÀlv i spegeln och veta att du ser strÄlande ut. Ta en sekund och tÀnk hur din familj och vÀnner skulle reagera om du gick in i rummet och sÄg lÄng och snygg ut och var full av nyfunnet sjÀlvförtroende. VÄra tillfredstÀllda kunder behöver inte förestÀlla sig. Super-Growth har hjÀlpt dem att ta kontroll och bli lÀngre. LÀs deras historier, och se hur Super-Growth har förÀndrat deras liv och hjÀlpt dem att bli den person de alltid velat vara.

Super-Growths naturliga lÀngd förhöjare produkt

Super-Growths Effekter
Att öka din lÀngd
Att öka din energi
Att brÀnna fett och bygga smala kropps muskler
Att öka naturlig tillvÀxt

Runt om i hela vÀrlden, atleter, modeller, basketboll spelare, bodybuilders, och mÄnga andra köper Super-Growth för extra tillvÀxt och kroppsflexibilitet. Super-Growth kommer att öka din naturliga tillvÀxt genom att stÀrka din HGH nivÄ och genom att regenerera dina brosk och ben. Super-Growth lÀngd ökare hjÀlper din kropp att bli lÀngre mycket snabbare och ocksÄ stÀrka din hÄllning.

Anledningen till varför mÄnga misslyckas att bli lÀngre Àr pÄ grund av att de inte har ett vetenskapligt sÀtt att naturligt öka sin tillvÀxt hormon nivÄ. TillvÀxt hormoner Àr den viktigaste faktorn för att kontrollera din ben tillvÀxt för att det Àr den enda hormonen som stimulerar tillvÀxten av broskcellerna i benet. Super-Growth kommer att hjÀlpa dig att stÀrka din hÄllning och öka din lÀngd.

Super-Growth lÀngd förhöjare Àr den första godkÀnda naturliga tillvÀxt ökaren.

Är lĂ€ngd tillvĂ€xt möjligt?

Det Àr möjligt att öka tillvÀxten, om du vill bli lÀngre, kÀnner dig deprimerad pÄ grund av att du har sen tillvÀxt utveckling, nu finns det en lösning för att öka din tillvÀxt.

Visste du att du kan manipulera din tillvÀxt oavsett dina gener och vad andra sÀger.

S.G. Inc har skapat den första effektiva tillvÀxt öknings produkten.
Super-Growth tillvÀxts förhöjare Àr den första mest effektiva tillvÀxt tillskottet för att naturligt hjÀlpa dig att bli lÀngre och förhöja din naturliga tillvÀxt förmÄga. Super-Growth lÀngd förhöjare har blivit bevisad som ett effektivt sÀtt att förhöja vuxnas lÀngd efter att deras tillvÀxts process har slutat.

Hur tillvÀxts ökning fungerar.

VÄra kroppars tillvÀxt process Àr mycket komplex. Vi har mÄnga system som kontrollerar vÄra funktioner. Ett av dom systemen som gör sÄ vi vÀxer kallas hypofys systemet. Hypofysen Àr indelad i tvÄ delar, den frÀmre loben och den bakre loben. Den frÀmre reglerar aktiviteten av sköldkörteln, binjuren, reproduktionskörtlarna och tillvÀrkningen av vÀxt hormoner, som stimulerar tillvÀxten av ben och andra kroppsvÀvnader. Och har ocksÄ stort ansvar för kroppens mineral och nÀrings förvar.

TillvÀxt hormoner (GH) eller somatotropin (STH) Àr en hormon som stimulerar tillvÀxt och cell reproduktionen hos mÀnniskor och andra djur. Det Àr en 191-aminosyra, enkel kedjad polypeptid hormon som Àr syntetiserad, förvarad och utsöndrad av somatotrophcellerna inuti sidovingarna av den frÀmre loben.
LÀngd tillvÀxt i mÀnniskor Àr den mest kÀnda effekten av tillvÀxthormoner (GH). Och visar sig bli stimulerad av tvÄ mekanismer. TillvÀxthormoner stimulerar division och multiplikation av broskceller. De Àr de huvudsakliga cellerna till (epifyser) lÄnga ben som t.ex. armar och ben.

TillvÀxt hormoner stimulerar ocksÄ produktionen av den insulinliknande tillvÀxtfaktorn 1 (IGF1). En hormon som Àr homologt till proinsulinet. Levern Àr ett av de viktigaste organen för tillvÀxthormonernas för dessa vÀvnader, som gör det bÄde till en endokrin och en autocrin hormon.
IGF-1 stimulerar ocksÄ osteoblastcellerna och chondrocyt aktiviteten till att frÀmja ben tillvÀxt.

Super-Growth kommer att öka din naturliga tillvÀxt genom att öka din tillvÀxthormons nivÄ och regenerera brosk och ben. Super-Growth lÀngd förhöjare hjÀlper din kropp att vÀxa mycket snabbare och ocksÄ stÀrka din hÄllning. Inom de första mÄnaderna kommer du att mÀrka skillnader, som stÀrkning av hÄllning och lÀngd ökning.

VĂ„rt uppdrag:
Att förse vÄra kunder med högsta kvalitet pÄ produkten som finns.
Vi kan försÀkra vÄra kunder att ingredienser och material Àr exakt som vi angivit.
Vi Àr verksamma pÄ högsta nivÄ av integritet och Àrlighet
VÄra kunder fÄr omsorg och den uppmÀrksamhet som de behöver.
Vi förser gratis rÄdslag frÄn de mest erfarna kÀllor som vi kan erbjuda.
Vi Àr kreativa och utvecklar skyddad formulering som ingen annan stans.
Vi sköter heltÀckande produkt filer, inklusive undersökningar och utvÀrderingar av produkterna.

S-G. Inc Àr mÄlmedvetna för förtrÀfflighet. Vi samarbetar med vÄra kunder att införa de mest effektiva, mest innovativa,anpassade och nÀringsmÀssiga formuleringar tillgÀngliga var som helst i vÀrlden. Vi har varit sÄ framgÄngsrika pÄ att göra vÄra kunder lönsamma och mer effektiva pÄ marknaden att vÄrt företag har vuxit med över 600% under de senaste 3 Ären. SG Inc. fortsÀtter sitt engagemang för kvalitet och innovation pÄ uppdrag av vÄra kunder.

För att lyckas i dagens marknadsekonomi, och ett behov av effektiva produkter som verkligen kan göra skillnad i slutanvÀndarens liv. Det betyder inte bara att förse produkter att testa ultrahög för renhet, utan ocksÄ produkter som har rÀtt kvantiteter och egenskaper för att vara effektiva för sitt syfte.

VÄr kompoundering erfarenhet plus realtid tester hjÀlper till att slutföra produkter som har synergistiska vÀrden. Vi förstÄr vikten av att förse den mest effektiva kombination av föreningar som skapar nöjda kunder och ÄterbestÀllningar i dagens hÄrda konkurrens. SG Inc.

Vi har lÀnge sökt efter ett naturligt hjÀlpmedel som inte bara hjÀlper dig att vÀxa utan ocksÄ effektiv och professionellt framtagen.

Fungerar det verkligen?
Super-Growth tillvÀxt Formula har varit effektiv med en vÀldigt hög framgÄng. Vi har haft mÄnga ÄterbestÀllningar pÄ produkten som tyder pÄ att vÄra kunder Àr mycket tillfredstÀllda med den. Den har faktiskt blivit sÄld till bokstavligen tusentals kunder runt om i vÀrlden.

Hur lÀnge har den hÀr produkten varit pÄ marknaden?
VÄran avancerade Super-Growth produkt blev skapad efter intensiv forskning, med stor framgÄng i över tio Är. PÄ SG. Inc. Labs. Hittar du den högsta kvaliteten pÄ naturlig medicin för din tillvÀxt, professionellt formulerat i terapeutiska doser av ett ledande forsknings team.

Vad exakt behandlar Super-Growth?
Super-Growth Àr en bevisad, effektiv, 100% sÀker och naturligt örttillskott som ökar din ÀmnesomsÀttning, stÀrker din lever och matsmÀltnings funktion och hjÀlper dig vÀxa och bli lÀngre utan att skada din hÀlsa. Med Super-Growth kan du lÀngd förhöjare kan du sÀkert vÀxa och bli lÀngre snabbare utan nÄgra biverkningar.

Är Super-Growth godkĂ€nd av FDA?
FDA undersöker all mat och lÀkemedel. Efter som Super-Growth Àr ett örttillskott faller den under FDAs grÀns. Men vi kan försÀkra sig att det pÄ nÄgot sÀtt sÀnker kvaliteten eller effektiviteten av produkten. Vi har fÄtt massor av goda responser frÄn vÄra anvÀndare.

NÀr Àr det den bÀsta tiden att anvÀnda Super-Growth?
AnvÀnd Super-Growth 10-20 minuter innan du gÄr och lÀgger dig.

Hur ska man förvara produkten?
Det bÀsta stÀllet att förvara produkten Àr i ett svalt och mörkt rum som t.ex. en garderob eller i ett skÄp dÀr inte direkt solljus kommer in. Produkten behöver inte frysas in.

NÀr kommer du mÀrka skillnader?
Det varierar frÄn person till person men pÄ de flesta ser skillnader inom the första 4 veckorna. Och för andra kan det ta lite lÀngre. Resultaten kommer gradvis. ReguljÀr anvÀndning ger lÀngd ökning, bÀttre humör och ökad energi nivÄ. Super-Growth har haft vÀldigt stor framgÄng och Àr mycket effektiv. VÄra ÄterbestÀllnings procent Àr mycket hög och anvÀndare har skickat positiva responser i flera Är.

Hur lÀnge ska jag ta Super-Growth och varför?
För snabbare och mer dramatiska resultat rekommenderar vi att du tar Super-Growth reguljÀrt. ReguljÀr anvÀndning kommer ge dig ökad lÀngd, bÀttre humör och ökad energi nivÄ inom 1-6 mÄnader.

Har Super-Growth nÄgra biverkningar?
Nej. Super-Growth har inga biverkningar eftersom den Àr 100% naturlig. Ingredienserna i Super-Growth har en vÀldigt sÀker profil som vanligen inte ger nÄgra biverkningar.

Hur lÀnge rÀcker en flaska?
En flaska rÀcker ungefÀr 2 mÄnader om du anvÀnder produkten omvÀxlande dagar. Varje flaska innehÄller 15ml eller 2 mÄnaders anvÀndning.

Kan barn anvÀnda Super-Growth?
Super-Growth kan anvÀndas av barn frÄn Äldern 9 och uppÄt. Vi rekommenderar att du rÄdfrÄgar din lÀkare eller din primÀra vÄrd specialist om förslag.

Är det nĂ„gra biverkningar efter anvĂ€ndning av denna produkt?
Super-Growth Àr en helt naturlig och topp kvalitets produkt som Àr sÀker och effektiv. Det Àr inga negativa biverkningar associerad med denna produkt.

Fraktar ni till mitt land?
Vi fraktar till alla lÀnder i vÀrlden. Vi Àr vÀldigt glada att ha kunder runt om i vÀrlden.

Hur lÀmnar man tillbaka produkten? Kan jag lÀmna tillbaka produkten?
Vi kan bara acceptera ÄtersÀnda produkter som inte har blivit öppnade och har den originella förseglingen orörd. Om din produkt inte har blivit öppnad kan du sÀnda tillbaka den. Vi accepterar all ÄtersÀndning inom 30 dagar efter du köpt produkten. Du kommer att fÄ full Äterbetalning av hela det totala inköpta beloppet. Utom betalningen för fraktningen och arbetes avgifter, och $5 tas betalt för ÄtersÀndningsprocessen.

Erbjuder ni nÄgra storleks avdrag?
Det gör vi. Vi erbjuder ett avsevÀrt avdrag vid köp av mÄnga flaskor antingen för ÄterförsÀljnings ÀndamÄl eller andra organisationer. Skicka bara en email adress till email och lÄt oss veta vad du Àr intresserad av.

Jag funderar pÄ att ÄtersÀlja era produkter, har ni drop-frakt till mina kunder?
Ja, det har vi, kontakta oss direkt och lÄt oss veta vart du bor och hur du har tÀnkt att sÀlja dessa produkter.

TÀnk dig ta kontroll över ditt liv och din lÀngd. Hur bra skulle det kÀnnas att se en lÄng, sexig reflektion i spegeln och vet att du ser strÄlande ut. Ta en stund att fundera över hur dina vÀnner och Àlskade skulle reagera om du gick in i rummet och sÄg lÄng, vacker och full av nytt sjÀlvförtroende.VÄra nöjda kunder inte behöver förestÀlla sig, Super-Growth har hjÀlpt dem att ta kontroll och vÀxa lÀngre. LÀs deras berÀttelser nedan och se hur Super-Growth har förÀndrat deras liv och hjÀlpt dem att bli den person som de alltid velat vara.

Tack till personer som tog sin tid att ett mail till oss om deras personliga omdömen, vi Àr glada att du upplevt sÄ stora resultat med vÄra produkter!

Jag var 165cm lÄng nÀr jag började anvÀnda Super-Growth. Nu Àr jag 170cm lÄng jag har vuxit ungefÀr 5cm pÄ under 2 mÄnader efter jag anvÀnt Super-Growth.
Super-Growth fungerar verkligen naturligt och lÀtt och jag vet att jag kommer fortsÀtta vÀxa genom att fortsÀtta anvÀnda Super-Growth.
Med VĂ€nliga HĂ€lsningar
Aloysius Sim Jaladri, Ă„lder: 26

Tack Super-Growth för att du hjÀlpte mig bli lÀngre, jag har bara anvÀnt Super-Growth i 1 mÄnad och har vuxit 3cm! Den har inte bara hjÀlpt mig bli lÀngre utan ocksÄ hÄllit alla sina löften.
Edgar Fiorenza, Ă„lder: 21

Jag Àr över 30, sÄ jag var ganska skeptisk till Super-Growth, tÀnkte jag att jag inte har sÄ stor chans att fÄ nÄgon tillvÀxt. Men efter tvÄ mÄnader med hjÀlp av Super-Growth har jag vuxit 2.5cm! Och nu vet jag att det fungerar, genom att ni gav mig förtroendet att fortsÀtta, och veta om att jag kan uppnÄ Ànnu bÀttre resultat. Super-Growth Àr lÀtt att tillÀmpa, diskret och smÀrtfri. Att inte tala om, mycket effektivare Àn alternativen. Tack!
Boris Ivanov, Ă„lder: 35

HÀlsningar till dig frÄn New York. Detta Àr mitt vittnesmÄl. Jag skriver frÄn Manhattan, NY. Jag spelar basket i college. Jag skulle vilja sÀga till alla som Àr intresserade av att bli lÀngre att Super-Growth fungerar. Det kommer att hjÀlpa dig att vÀxa flera centimeter. Tack du för din hjÀlp. Bill Beckford, Älder: 20 New York

Jag Ă€r 17 Ă„r gammal och var 150cm lĂ„ng ... ca 2 mĂ„nader har gĂ„tt (utan att ens mĂ€rker det!) och jag har vuxit till 157cm! Wow! Det Ă€r mycket! Även mina vĂ€nner var förvĂ„nade! VĂ€nner som var lĂ€ngre Ă€n mig Ă€r nu nĂ€stan samma höjd, andra Ă€r kortare! Jag kunde aldrig ana att jag kunde vĂ€xa sĂ„ mycket. Catarina Carneiro, Ă„lder: 17 Fortaleza, Brasilien

Det bÀsta med Super-Growth Àr att den förverkligar min dröm att vara lÄng. Jag vÀxte 7.5cm pÄ 6 mÄnader. Jag lÀrde mig en bra lÀxa ocksÄ: vi mÄste alltid hÄlla vÄra drömmar vid liv och ta chansen att förverkliga dem. Ed Barry, Älder: 19 CA, USA

Har du upplevt fördelarna med Super-Growth lÀngd förhöjar produkten? Om sÄ Àr fallet, skicka oss dina betyg, sÄ skickar vi den produkt du Àr fascinerad över hur helt gratis och vi kommer Àven tÀcka fraktkostnad. Vi Àr angelÀgna om att höra om dina resultat sÄ att vi kan dela dessa framgÄngar med fler kunder, lÀkare och patienter. Skicka in dina omdömen av e-post

The blue boxes on the testimonials page

"Jag Àr mycket nöjd med produkten och jag var mycket nöjd med hur snabbt det kom. Tack." Lucy, Bridgend-England

"Tack för era mycket snabba och effektiva service." Rick, CA, USA

".. Jag Àr mycket nöjd med produkten och verkligen imponerad av den hastighet som det tog för den att levereras." Sofia, Singapore

".. Super-Growth kom i dag. Vilken fantastisk service! Tack sÄ mycket, jag skall skicka erat namn till mina vÀnner Ava, USA

"Helt nöjd kund! Snabb leverans, vÀl förpackade och tack för Broschyren Kiefer, Tyskland

Bara sÄ att du vet att jag har fÄtt produkten... Tack Àn en gÄng för din hjÀlp! " Amelia, Tyskland

".... Jag skulle bara vilja sÀga hur mycket jag uppskattar dina kundrelationer och email kommunikation. Det Àr ett nöje att hitta ett företag som behandlar sina kunder Àven efter försÀljningen har ingÄtt. FortsÀtt sÄ hÀr! " Cristin, Irland
